
Getting Help From Home

Signs You Need Additional Care In Your Home

Whether you are older and not getting around as well as you used to or you have lost your ability to fully care for yourself due to injury or surgery, senior home care services can be beneficial to you. Do you need additional care in your home? You may, and your insurance may be able to help you cover some of the costs, particularly if your doctor has concerns or has made a recommendation for services.

Here are signs you need additional care in your home. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of senior home care services if you haven't already.

You can't perform your regular self-care

Do you find it hard to brush your teeth? Take a bath? Comb your hair or get dressed? Basic self-care can be taxing if you have lost some mobility or if you have a hard time remembering to do these basic tasks. You can hire a home care service to visit you on a regular basis to help you get ready for the day so you can keep your self-care and therefore your overall health and well-being in check.

You can't do your regular chores

Your regular household chores, whether they are doing the dishes, checking the mail, vacuuming, or doing basic gardening, still have to be done on the regular to keep your home in good condition and safe and sanitary. If you have trouble doing your basic chores every day or you can only get them done in spurts at a time, you can hire a personal care aid to help you with these needs. You don't have to assign all chores to your senior home care specialist, just the ones you have a hard time accomplishing.

You can't drive anymore

Whether you choose not to drive because you don't see well or you have lost your license due to age or other reasons, not being able to leave your home to run errands, go to doctor's appointments, or pick up medications can put your overall health in danger. Some senior health services provide errand running as part of their services and even allow you to tag along while someone else drives. This helps you get out of the house and get things done that are necessary for your everyday health.

When you can no longer live alone without help, senior help is available. Your doctor can recommend a specialist to you if you don't know who to turn to.

About Me

Getting Help From Home

After I was diagnosed with a serious medical condition, I didn't know what to do. I was frustrated with the idea that I wouldn't live forever, and I was really concerned about being there for my kids. Fortunately, my doctor recommended a home health care regimen, which would mean doctors and nurses would come to my house. I was worried about what it would be like to work with professionals at home, but I thought it was a great option. The service was spectacular. Seeing doctors at home freed up my time and made me feel a lot more comfortable. This blog is all about how home health care can help you.

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